Case Studies
The most effective way for The Sudbury Companies to demonstrate our unparalleled expertise in whole house remodeling is to do so by giving you a couple of case studies.
In one example, the homeowner visited the Sudbury Design Center in order to gather some ideas for remodeling his/her kitchen. The Rocklage family was in the process of renovating a number of rooms in their house and Scott was acting as a general contractor, running from one sub-contractor to another, trying to manage the process while managing his life. He was pleasantly surprised to find the whole house renovation capability of The Sudbury Companies and was very relieved to discover that we are licensed General Contractors as well. He handed the project to us and never looked back.
We will let the case study give you the pictures and details.
Another case is unique in that it illustrates the added value of The Sudbury Companies’ ability to work closely with the Historical Commission and the Conservation Committees in Sudbury. We needed to get a number of approvals for work that one of our clients wanted us to do on his home. Initially, we were surprised to find that we needed to work with the Historical Commission because the house was built in 1973 and was relatively new construction. However, it was located in a historical zone so the proper permissions needed to be obtained.
Needless to say, we were successful, and all of the work on the Parczyk home has been completed. Once again, the case study will tell the story in pictures and in words.